This opportunity is available online via Google Meet or in person.
All meetings are held individually 1 on 1.
As of June 1, 2022, the Swedish government launched a talent visa program tailored for professionals aspiring to work in Sweden.
This program is designed for individuals who possess a job offer from a Swedish employer and intend to reside and work in Sweden for a duration of up to 4 years. The time spent on a work permit contributes towards eligibility for permanent residency in Sweden.
A standard work permit is typically processed within 10 days if submitted by a certified company acknowledged by the Migration Agency.
The EU Blue Card serves as a work and residence permit for non-EU/EEA nationals, similar to the US Green Card. It aims to simplify the process for highly skilled workers seeking employment in the EU, offering extensive socio-economic rights and a route to permanent residency and EU citizenship.
The Blue Card is suitable for those planning to work in multiple EU nations over the next 4 years. Several EU countries issue Blue Cards, which may facilitate mobility across borders. Additionally, time spent holding a Blue Card in Sweden may be considered when applying for permanent residency in other countries.
The typical processing period for an EU Blue Card application ranges from 2 to 3 weeks, although the Migration Agency may take up to 90 days depending on their workload.
For inquiries regarding job searches, interview preparation, or work permits, reach out via email.