Those looking to enhance their coffee knowledge and explore the intricacies of coffee processing will find the cupping sessions to be an excellent experience.
Cupping is defined as a professional coffee tasting method that follows a global standard established by industry organizations such as the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and World Coffee Research. Whether conducted in their roasting facility in Berlin or by baristas in distant lands, the preparation and tasting methods remain consistent worldwide.
Participants will discover a variety of flavor components, much like a sommelier does with wine. Terminology such as "body," "acidity," and "sweetness" is integral to the experience.
Curious? In their roastery located in Tempelhof, individuals can put their taste senses to the test by savoring one coffee after another, learning the fundamentals of cupping and coffee aromas, and engaging with fellow coffee enthusiasts.
They look forward to welcoming all coffee lovers!
P.S.: Immediately following the cupping, attendees will receive a discount of 20% on coffee purchases made at the roastery.