A unique and imaginative scavenger hunt begins at a picturesque local hotspot. Participants will receive their digital quest from a lively remote host and set off to explore a wide array of specially selected locations throughout the city. They will walk or drive to various checkpoints while tackling inventive tasks and engaging in amusing challenges that encourage them to step outside their usual comfort zones!
ONE TICKET PER PERSON. This activity is suitable for families and pets, alternating between indoor and outdoor settings, with numerous extra challenges included! Players will send photos and videos to their remote host, who provides encouragement and support as they document their adventures. Interaction with locals adds an extra layer of fun as they decipher the creative tasks. Participants are guaranteed a good time filled with discoveries of hidden treasures and local charm while creating lasting memories, sharing laughter, and gaining knowledge!
This experience offers a glimpse into the vibrant culture of the city! Expect the unexpected at every turn, and feel free to ask questions in advance. Perfect for corporate gatherings, tourists, inquisitive locals, bachelor(ette) parties, birthdays, family outings, friend trips, and various special occasions! Inquire about personalized experiences and virtual team-building options as well!