THE SHIVERING TRUTH is a stop-motion animated sci-fi horror comedy television series created by Vernon Chatman and directed by both Chatman and Cat Solen. The series, which premiered on Adult Swim in 2018, concluded its run in 2020 after two seasons totaling 13 episodes, each lasting around 10 minutes.
A complete screening of the series will be hosted at BENTA. On Friday, December 20th, Season 1 will be screened at 18:00 and 20:00, followed by Season 2 on Saturday, December 21st, at 15:00 and 17:00.
* The Shivering Truth features an anthology format, where each episode presents a distinct story with its own narrative.
Admission to the screening is free.
This screening is made possible thanks to the support and interest of Cat Solen and Vernon Chatman.