ITS Tullio Buzzi, a renowned educational center in the Province of Prato, has been attracting students interested in scientific and technological studies since 1886. Currently, it accommodates around 2000 students across a two-year preparatory program and seven active three-year courses.
The visit will lead participants through the school's premises: starting with a brief introduction in the reception area, guests will explore the museum to learn about the past and the evolution of technology. The tour continues towards the present and future, walking through the laboratories of all three-year programs, where students will showcase various simple experiments and projects conducted during their daily school activities.
Throughout the visit, a group of students and teachers will be present to answer any questions about the institute.
The estimated duration of the visit is approximately two hours.
To allow access to as many interested students as possible, a maximum of three people per family may register for the visit. Early arrival at the school is requested, 10 minutes before the appointment.
They look forward to welcoming you!
ITS Tullio Buzzi