"Stand-Up Comedy at Eli's Pub" A comedy marathon takes place at Eli's Pub in Haifa, offering an evening filled with laughter featuring rising stars in the comedy scene. Guests should prepare for an unforgettable night of outrageous humor, with a mix of fresh jokes, sharp punchlines, audience engagement, and improvisation. The event will showcase some of the best comedians in Israel, ensuring a night packed with fun, excitement, and new experiences. **Performers have been carefully selected based on their proven expertise in the field over the years. Expect performances from 3-5 leading comedians, each with their unique and humorous style. The warm and intimate atmosphere will keep attendees smiling long after the night is over. This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of a special comedy night! Bring your friends, family, or partner and come share in the laughter and joy.
Stand-Up Marathon Every Saturday Doors open: 20:00 Show starts: 21:30 Eli's Pub - 35 Jaffa Road, Haifa 30 NIS entrance fee | Ticket sales For more details, visit the available links: More Info or contact via WhatsApp at 0547996379 ---------------------------------------------- [ Haifa Stand-Up WhatsApp Group ]: Join Here Payment methods include PayBox, PayPal, and Bit. Is there a reservation option? They can inquire by calling 0547996379. To see who is performing, check the Instagram of Haifa Stand-Up at stand.up.haifa. Follow along on all platforms at linktr.ee/stand.up.haifa