Inspired by the beloved 1991 Disney film and rooted in an 18th-century French fairy tale, this adaptation of Beauty and the Beast narrates the journey of Belle, a bright and beautiful young woman who feels disconnected from her small town in France. When her father is taken captive in an enigmatic castle, Belle's courageous attempt to save him results in her own capture by the formidable Beast, a creature cursed to remain in his monstrous form until he learns the true nature of love. Time is of the essence, as a magical rose will perish once all its petals fall, sealing the Beast's fate forever. Within the enchanted castle, a delightful cast of characters, including Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and Chip, anxiously observes the evolving bond between Belle and the Beast. As the deadline approaches and the rose loses its petals, the question remains: will they find the courage to express their feelings before it is too late?
Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR. is performed with special arrangement from Music Theatre International (MTI). All performance materials are provided by MTI.