A captivating show designed by its two key figures, celebrating a unique and eclectic artist known for advocating human rights and singing one of the most famous anti-war songs in the world. This poetic and reflective voice, which has won a Nobel Prize, expresses the struggles of the poor and marginalized, mesmerizing audiences with the vivid colors of his artwork displayed globally.
Created byCinzia Tedesco and Angelo Maggi
Directed byFrancesca Maggi
Alessandro Gwis, piano, Luca Pirozzi, double bass, Roberto Guarino, guitars, Pietro Iodice, drums
A journey through famous songs interpreted by Tedesco with her jazz voice, interspersed with theatrical moments and live dubbing where Angelo Maggi voices a Dylan who candidly shares his story in video. This includes portrayals of notable figures like Denzel Washington, who plays Rubin Carter in the film "Hurricane"—a wrongly convicted African American boxer for whom Dylan dedicated one of his most powerful protest songs.