PubQuizGameShowTriviaNight in Luxembourg is a unique blend of pub quiz, game show, and trivia night, hosted by comedian Jim Williams, who has over 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry. This event takes place at the Carlitos Comedy Club, the first dedicated comedy venue in the country. Guests can cool their minds with A/C while they engage in a fun competition.
Participants will navigate through 6 rounds, each featuring a distinct category with 9 questions per round. Previous themes have included Luxembourg, Professional Wrestling, Art History, and more, ensuring a variety of challenging topics.
Attendees are encouraged to gather friends into teams of up to 6 people, whether to compete against one another, join new teams, or even tackle the quiz solo. The chosen format is entirely up to the participants!
IMPORTANT INFO: During the game, only one team's smartphone will be utilized to submit answers through the designated platform. Teams are advised to use a phone that is well-charged, but charging outlets will be available for those needing to power up their devices.