The Nightmare Before Christmas is a story about Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, who stumbles upon Christmas Town and tries to infuse his world with the spirit of Christmas, resulting in a blend of chaos and personal growth.
This film marks one of Tim Burton's earlier creations and is filled with his signature quirky style. Danny Elfman takes the lead role and also composed the original soundtrack. Notably, this film does not feature Helena Bonham Carter or Johnny Depp, who are often associated with Burton's works.
Admission is €5.70, which includes a glass of beer and popcorn.
Scheduled for Sunday, December 15th at 7pm.
Attendees are welcome to order pizza before, during, or after the screening! Click HERE to view the pizza menu.
Spaces are limited - it is advisable to secure a spot early!
**Please be aware that this screening takes place in The Loft, which is not wheelchair accessible.**