In a magical tale, a king has 12 daughters who, during the day, appear to be well-behaved. However, each night, they mysteriously vanish from their beds, leaving everyone puzzled. This story, rooted in the Brothers Grimm collection, highlights the significance of the night, a theme also prevalent in many other tales and legends. The night is not only an intriguing backdrop for such stories but is also regarded as the perfect time for oral storytelling. An exploration of this theme will delve into works by the Brothers Grimm, 1001 Nights, Wilhelm Hauff, ETA Hoffmann, de la Motte Fouque, and others. The evening will feature Dr. Tilman Spreckelsen, a 1967-born editor from FAZ, who will present texts suited for nighttime storytelling.
As the speaker for the evening, Dr. Tilman Spreckelsen will share his insights.
Image credit: © Stefan Gelberg-Tilman Spreckelsen