The musical "The True Hero" presents a unique take on the Christmas story.
The narrative revolves around Lia, Noel, and Cronos, characters that intertwine fiction with reality.
Lia makes a wish to Noel, who realizes he cannot fulfill it. In search of an answer, Noel meets Cronos, who takes him on an exhilarating adventure. Together, they journey through the story of Jesus' birth, growth, death, and resurrection, culminating in a very special encounter.
Families and friends are encouraged to attend and experience this moving performance that combines scenic design, special effects, theater, dance, choir, live band, and much more!
Upon arrival at the venue, attendees will check in at designated tables by providing their name registered with their ticket purchase. Food will be available for sale on-site, including popcorn, soft drinks, sweets, and more. Seating is guaranteed with registration, though specific seats are assigned. Access will only be allowed up to 20 minutes after the session starts. Children over 2 years old must be registered. While there won't be a specific children's service that day, it is recommended to bring children, nephews, and grandchildren to enjoy this show suitable for all ages.