Set in a secondary school, 'Those Who Can't, Teach' explores the chaotic lives of teachers and students, resulting in comedic situations. While teachers strive to nurture their students, the latter prefer to relax and have fun. Additionally, everyone faces the challenges posed by their parents. Amidst mischief and social media antics, teaching and school politics create a unique atmosphere. Audiences are invited to witness how this vibrant cast navigates the complexities of education, showcasing that those who can, indeed teach.
Show Dates: 19 and 20 December
Time: 7-9pm
Registration begins at 6:15pm
Duration: 2 hours with a 15-minute intermission
Location: Nanyang Polytechnic, Block A, Theatre for the Art
TW: Strong language, sensitive topics, mild violence
Written by Haresh Sharma and adapted by Nanyang Polytechnic for this staging. Those Who Can't, Teach is originally created by The Necessary Stage.