Joy of Vox (JOV) is a vibrant pop vocal ensemble based in Saskatoon, consisting of 200 members. Directed by BJ Harris, a former Streetnix member, the group showcases the talents of musicians Katie Ormerod (piano), Bruce Wilkinson (bass), and Arlan Kopp (drums). Their repertoire spans seven decades, featuring a variety of beloved songs performed primarily a cappella, often in impressive six-part harmony. The ensemble is gearing up for a festive Christmas celebration in 2024.
Children are welcome to attend this all-ages performance, though every individual will need a ticket. The venue is wheelchair accessible, with ushers available to assist in finding the best locations. While seating is not reserved, all seats at Lakeview Church are excellent for enjoying the performance. Fans are advised to arrive early for optimal seating.
Parking is ample and free at the venue, located at 19 Glazier Rd, on the outskirts of Saskatoon, just south of Circle Drive and a bit west of Boychuck. The facility features a spacious parking lot and a drop-off area at the entrance. While tickets may be available at the door if the event is not sold out, it is recommended to secure tickets in advance due to the likelihood of a sell-out.