A Frog in the Pocket is the ninth album by singer-songwriter Pau Alabajos, showcasing verses from the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés transformed into song. In 2024, the centenary of the poet's birth from Burjassot will be commemorated, and these new musical adaptations of Estellés' repertoire will be shared to celebrate this milestone.
Pau Alabajos (Torrent, 1982) began his artistic journey performing on the streets of Valencia. He released his debut album Futur en venda in 2004. In 2008, he published his second album Teoria del caos, which won several accolades including the Premi Ovidi Montllor for the best author song album, Premi Enderrock, and Premi Muixeranga. In 2011, he released Una amable, una trista, una petita pàtria. In 2013, he presented Pau Alabajos diu Mural del País Valencià de Vicent Andrés Estellés, a book-album featuring fourteen selected poems from the posthumous collection of the Burjassot poet.
The performance will be in Catalan.